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What is CCB?

The Contrarian Coach Blueprint is a 16-week coaching experience built around our proprietary process for launching and growing your own client-getting group like ours.

Inside the program you’ll learn our proprietary strategies on how to:

-> Create & launch a client-getting systems & frameworks.

-> Enrol clients over the phone with ease & speed

-> Transform lives around you with our proven successful frameworks 

-> And more…

Please click the button below to send us a private message if you would like to apply for the program.

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Who This Is For?

-> People who want to eliminate time-for-money coaching, add $20-40K a month to their income, and join the top 3% of coaches.

-> People who are willing to get inbound leads for lead generation and client acquisition.

-> People who value helping others and contributing to their marketplace just as much as they value making money.

-> People who know their business can grow, and who are willing to work to make that happen.

-> People who are already successful, and want to double their income & their time off.

Who This Is Not For?

-> People who are just in this for the money, and don’t care about the results their clients get.

-> People who use deceptive practices, or smell dodgy in any way.

-> People who are not serious.

Interested? Ok, Here's The First Step...

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