If you'd like to generate an extra 10-30 qualified leads each day & enroll an extra 5-7 high paying clients each week using your Facebook™ group ...
... this might be the most valuable free offer you ever come across online
How would you like one of our highly trained Facebook™ Group experts to audit, review, and optimize your Facebook™ group... for free?
Over the past 4 years, we’ve helped 2,500+ coaches generate 3 million leads and make over $150 million with their Facebook groups ...
... and we’d like to audit your group 100% free of charge.
(We'll explain why in a sec)
It's completely hands off for you.
You'll simply fill out the form on this page where we'll collect the link to your group, along with your current challenges, goals, etc.
Then one of our group architects will audit your group and send you the video breakdown within 24-48 hours.
What to expect:
1st: We'll show you what’s working with groups right now in 2024 (how our clients are currently getting 10-30 group members per day and converting them into 5-7 clients per week) ...
2nd: We'll review your group growth strategy, content strategy, & conversion strategy to make sure your group is primed & ready to get consistent clients ...
3rd: We'll then give you immediate & actionable insight you can take & apply inside your group right away (no fluff, no theory, instant tweaks you can swipe & deploy to move the needle your business) ...
You must...
- Be an active coach, consultant, or agency owner.
- Have an existing Facebook™ group already.
- Be willing & able to invest a few hundred dollars each month to grow your group.
If that’s you, we’ll audit your group free of charge.
If it's not you, we'll direct you towards a free training to help you audit your group yourself following our group audit frameworks.
It’s simple really - our goal is to provide so much value to you for free that you think to yourself “if their free stuff is this good, I can’t imagine how good their paid stuff is” and then go on to ask us about our paid coaching programs.
It’s the old “help them to prove you can help them” trick.
Click the button below to claim your free group audit now.
*IMPORTANT: Because this is a personalized audit of your Facebook™ group, our team's capacity to conduct group audits is limited to just 15 groups per week on a first come, first served basis.
So if you'd like us to audit your group this week ...
Click the button below now to claim your group audit today:
P.S. For the skimmers, here's the deal:
If you're an active coach, consultant, or agency owner, we'll audit & optimize your Facebook™ group 100% free of charge.
Why? Because our goal is to provide you so much value for free that you inquire about our paid coaching programs.
We've helped 2,500+ client based business owners generate $150 million from their Facebook™ groups and we're incredibly confident we can help you too.
Click here to claim your claim your group audit now: