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Mission: Clients [2024]

Hey Coach,

I hope this message finds you well. Thanks so much for reaching out about the Mission: Clients Program. We’re currently running. Our goal is to add at least $45-50k to your income (or a whole lot more).

I’d love to have you join us. All the details are below (I don’t have a fancy landing page or anything, hope you don’t mind).

Program Description

So far the results have been amazing. Using just their personal Facebook groups & profiles we’ve been seeing some members land their first paying clients and tons of leads within the first week, some even making their investment back within the first 15 days of joining the course. 

The outcome of the program is simple: To get you leads consistently, convert them to happy paying clients & more importantly transform their lives with our bulletproof offer, ALL with the power of a niched client getting Facebook Group.

I’m aiming to help you make your next $30k, so we’ll give you everything you need to make that happen, and nothing you don’t. There will be:

No expensive ads

No fancy stuff

No website

What we’ll work on: We're going to solve the 3 biggest problems that stop coaches & consultants from making it big with their group: Quiet Group, Minimal Growth, and Conversion Drought.

First, let's address the Quiet Group issue. If your group feels like a ghost town, we're here to change that into an Active & Engaged Community.

We begin by honing in on your unique niche, and the transformation you create with your perfect future clients. Even though you can coach anyone about anything, we’ll get faster results by focusing on one target market you want to be a hero to.

Next, we’ll design your offer and your price together and this process includes a strategic blend of your best offerings, integrated into an innovative Offer Triangle Model that sells visually.

We’ll make it a no-brainer for your prospects, and super profitable for you. We’re aiming for a $3-5k offer, so we can hit our $20k a month goal with just 3-5 sales a month.

Next, we delve into the strategic setup of your group, leveraging AI and automation to enhance every aspect. From selecting a captivating group name to creating an engaging welcome experience, we ensure each element is finely tuned.

Our AI tools streamline processes like storing survey responses, approving members, tagging, and crafting personalized welcome messages, freeing you from time-consuming admin tasks. Additionally, our setup is designed to give you an 'X-ray vision' into your group's dynamics. When someone joins, our strategy helps you instantly identify whether they are the Right-now buyers or future buyers, allowing you to act accordingly and effectively target your efforts for maximum impact and conversions.

Launching your group is an event, and we help you make it a grand one. Our proven 14-day proven launch post sequence is designed to create a buzz, ensuring your group is populated with 100 engaged members right from the start. As a result, your group will make marketing and sales night-and-day differences for you.

The second problem we’ll solve together is Minimal Growth.

We teach you the art of organic attraction through our innovative Lure Post strategy. This approach involves meticulously crafting captivating posts that effortlessly attract your Facebook friends and beyond to your group.

We delve into a diverse range of post types, each uniquely tailored to engage and intrigue your audience. Utilizing the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT, we streamline your content creation process, ensuring not only a steady flow of compelling posts but also a consistent influx of new, engaged members. This strategy is designed to seamlessly integrate into your digital presence, transforming your group into a magnet for potential members.

Next, we focus on making connections feel personal. We'll give you easy-to-use scripts and friendly strategies for starting conversations in all sorts of situations. This way, you can chat with potential clients in a way that feels natural and welcoming, guiding them smoothly into joining your group.

It's all about making each person feel special and interested in what your group has to offer. And to streamline this process, we offer a tool that saves these scripts as canned responses, allowing you to send them out with just one click.

This feature not only saves time but also maintains the personal touch in every message you send.

Finally our Group Ads strategy helps you grow your group fast and on a budget. We'll teach you how to create ads that grab attention and bring people straight to your group, all with a simple budget of $5-10 a day. You'll start seeing more people who are really interested in joining your group.

And the best part?

You don't have to think about the ad budget right away. We'll start focusing on paid ads only after you get your first client within 30 days, so it's all easy and stress-free.

Now we're out of group growth and into sales territory. So let's talk about moving the sales piece from drought to effortless conversions.

One of the key pieces we're going to use in this process is to sell by chat. When somebody's raised their hand, we're going to have a really simple conversation.

We are going to discover…Are they what we call a five-star prospect or not?

Are they willing to engage in a dialogue? In other words, have a conversation? Are they friendly and cooperative? Do they know what they want? Do they know when they want it? And would they like some help?

We're not trying to convince anyone who's not a fit.

Our job is really simple.We're going to find our five star prospects using our ‘PERFECT’ Dm Framework, which efficiently converts interested members into booked appointments.

We simplify this process with automations to manage your pipeline, automate interactions, and even sending bulk DMs.

The next step here is what we call the offer doc. It's a simple Google doc, which explains your plan for helping them get from where they are to where they want to go. It explains the promise. It explains their problems. It explains your model. It explains the outcome. It explains the logistics, all of the steps of your offer, including the price.

They just read this and they'll say, "I'm in," or, "I'm not in." Either way is completely fine.

The offer doc is going to do all of the heavy sales lifting here. You don't have to have a sales conversation ever again!

SPOILER ALERT! If the prospect or you prefer a call, we empower you with a proven sales script and strategies for pre-call triage conversations, ensuring a high conversion rate from appointments to clients. Even if sales aren't your forte, our system is designed to help you close deals confidently.

This is how you get leads every day & clients every week.

Any one of these things can move the needle immediately for your business, and my experience is that ONE of these is going to resonate with you and stand out as the BIG opportunity for you specifically...so we'll be able to spend more time on that one with you.

Now...if I were you...I'd imagine you've gotta buncha questions.

“What If I Don't Have A Product Yet?”

No problem at all! Our Program is specifically crafted to assist you in both identifying and packaging your unique offer from scratch. We guide you through defining your niche and creating a compelling 'I help' statement, laying the foundation for your product or service. Whether you're just beginning or looking to refine an existing idea, our program is equipped to help you effectively package your offer. We're here to ensure that every step, from concept to completion, is covered, providing you with the tools and support needed to bring your unique vision to life.

“What If I Don't Have A Facebook Group Yet?”

No worries! Our program is perfectly designed for those starting from scratch. We guide you through every step of creating and launching your Facebook group, from naming and branding to your initial member engagement strategy. Our system ensures you build a solid foundation for a thriving online community.

“My Facebook Group Is Dead Because I Haven't Engaged Them In A Long Time.”

Reviving a dormant Facebook group is one of our specialties. Our program includes strategies for re-engaging with your group members, even if you haven't been active for a while. We'll show you how to reignite interest and turn those inactive members into active, engaged participants.

“I'm Not The Best at Managing a Facebook Group.”

You don't need to be an expert! Our program includes comprehensive guidance on effectively managing and growing your Facebook group. We provide you with the tools and strategies to engage your audience, foster community, and convert members into clients, regardless of your prior experience.

“How Big Does My Facebook Group Need To Be To Get Results?”

Size isn't everything. Our program is effective even with smaller groups. We focus on engagement and quality over quantity. Even if you're starting with a small group, our strategies are designed to grow your audience and convert members into clients efficiently. Still, if you want a number, I’d say 100 because I remember us hitting our first $20k/m having only 68 members 🙂

“What Businesses/Industries Is This Best For?”

Our Program is versatile and beneficial for a wide range of industries. Whether you're selling courses, offering services, or running a local business, our strategies can be tailored to fit your specific needs and market.

“But I Don't Have A Facebook Group.”

Starting without a Facebook group is not an issue. We had a ton of clients who started working with us without having a group. Our program includes strategies for building your group from the ground up, leveraging it as a powerful tool for gathering leads and growing your business. We'll guide you through the process of establishing and growing your group effectively.

“Can This Program Help With Automating My Group Management Processes?”

Absolutely! A key component of our program is the implementation of AI and automation tools. These tools streamline various processes like member management, content posting, group approval, commenting, adding friends, sending bulk DMs and lead nurturing, making your group management more efficient and less time-consuming.

“How Quickly Can I See Results From My Facebook Group?”

Results can vary, but with our 14-day launch strategy and consistent application of our methods, many clients start seeing engagement and growth within a few weeks. The key is consistency and applying the strategies we teach in the program.

“Is This Program Suitable For Beginners?”

Absolutely! Our program is designed to be user-friendly and is suitable for both beginners and those with some experience in managing Facebook groups. We provide step-by-step guidance and support throughout the process.

“How Much Time Do I Need To Dedicate To My Facebook Group Daily?”

We recommend dedicating at least 30 minutes to an hour daily to manage and engage with your group. Our program teaches efficient strategies and automation tools to maximize your impact in minimal time. That’s it!

“Can I Grow My Group Without Paid Advertising?”

Yes, our program includes organic growth strategies that don't rely on paid advertising. We teach you how to leverage your existing network and content to grow your group effectively. We only help you run ads once you sign your first client, hence no more ad budget Qs.

“Can This Program Help Me With Content Ideas For My Group?”

Yes, one of the key components of our program is content creation. We help you generate ideas and use tools like ChatGPT to create engaging and relevant content for your group. Not only that, we provide you with the copy-paste prompts to create conversion content & schedule a month’s content in 60 mins.

“What If I'm Not Tech-Savvy?”

Our program is designed with user-friendliness in mind. We provide clear instructions and support for using any technical tools or platforms, ensuring you're comfortable and confident in signing clients with your group.

“Can I Run This Group Alone, Or Do I Need A Team?”

You can manage your group alone, as you will have all the tools & automatons to help you out.

“What Kind Of Results Can I Expect?”

Before: $0

After: $30,000/month

Timeline: 1 Week

How Gregory Went From $0/Month to $30,000/Month+ In 7 Days!

Since joining the program in March, Gregory was able to scale his Coaching biz. Since then, he has been able to scale to $30,000/Month in just 7 days. He also officially crossed $100k in Total Revenue generated since launching the business.

Before: $0

After: $30,000/month

Timeline: 1 Month

How Matt Went From $0/Month to $30,000/Month+ In 30 Days

Since joining the program in March, Matt was able to scale his Coaching biz with an amazing Sales Team. Since then, he has been able to scale to $30,000/Month in just 30 days. He also officially crossed $100k in Total Revenue generated since launching the business.

Before: $10,000

After: $35,000/month

Timeline: 1 Month

How Nick Went From $0/Month to $30,000/Month+ In 30 Days

Jacob had collected about 10-15k cash in the past 60 days before starting to work with us and they were barely making enough to keep the operations going because their offer required a lot of fulfillment.

We came in and within 7 days of working with them, we used our closing frameworks to collect 25k cash for them. We ended that month with over 35k in cash collected.


Where and When?

We’re kicking off now. We’ll add you to a private group with us. We will be there daily to support you.

We’ll give you access to a step-by-step system.We'll assign a personal accountability coach specific to you, who's going to work with you 1-to-1 to look after & guide you in your difficulties.

In addition, every week we’ll have 2 coaching classes together(1:1 & Group) to get you the desired results.

How Does It Work:

We only want to work with people who can implement, test, and report back on the resultsI'm taking people today and I'm inviting YOU to join the squad.

This isn’t a ‘course’ where you gotta find loads of time in your busy schedule and watch endless generic videos.

I’ll give you bite-sized chunks you can knock out in a few minutes a day.

During our time together we hang together in a private group to talk about it and brainstorm specific strategies for YOUR business so you can put it into action and report on your results.

What do I get after joining the program?

Here's what you get:

#1: Core Training Curriculum

#2: 1-On-1 DFY Signature Offer Call

#3: Done-With-You Facebook™ Group Creation

#4: Done-For-You Customized Prompt Templates

#5: Battle Plan Sessions at the end of every month

#6: Done-For-You Launch Templates

#7: Done-For-You Mini-Promotion Sequence Templates

#8: Done-For-You Smart Automation Campaigns

#9: Done-For-You Email Campaigns

#10: Done-For-You Phone Framework

#11: Done-For-You Pipelines

#12: 1 Group Coaching Call/Week

#13: 1-on-1 Implementation/Unstuck Call once every week

#14: Personal Accountability Coach

#15: Software Access for 90 days(FREE)

How do I get a spot?

If you've read the questions above and meet the requirements just reply...

"I'M IN" Then I'll get you set up.